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Band #12033

Received by Jane Schwartz

Location: Minnetonka, MN, USA
Date: June 06, 2018
I believe in always giving 110% and when I can't, I ask myself why. It usually points to a fear of failure or self-doubt in what I am doing. Then I have to address that to make the changes. I was recently giving less than even 100% for both of those reasons. I have had to do some introspection and with a renewed focus and energy am back at 100%+. I love life and I love when I am fully engaged in it to the nth degree! I rarely sit back or relax (that's good and bad) because there's so much to experience, be a part of and do - in such a short time. I am excited about some recent changes at work and looking forward to feeling more confident and valued so I can PLAY FULL OUT! I am confident that others will also step up and begin PLAYING FULL OUT as well! I can't wait to see/find the individual that I feel is playing FULL OUT and I can give this band to. Until then, it's on my wrist! We'll see how long it takes! :)
I love you post, Jane. Thanks for sharing your energy and inspiration. You Are The GREATEST!
Doug Hanson Jun 13, '18 at 7:45 PM
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