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Band #2998

Received by Freddy Calhoun

Location: Houston, TX
Date: September 07, 2013
I received my band today from none other than Doug Hanson, himself! :) Our whole, little town of Katy looked up to Doug when I was growing up and our whole, little town, is awful dang proud of him today!! :)
I appreciate the kind words Fred, but I want the world to know that I don't see myself as anyone that should be looked up to. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and family. I've done some unique and fun things in my life and I've had some great accomplishments, but I've also had times where I fell way short of the man I want to be. However, because of those setbacks I've learned that there's one thing we all have in common. We mess up! We take the people we care about most for granted. We lose our way and get distracted by things that really don't matter. Then we lean on family and friends to love us through it. That's where having a community of friends like we did in Katy, TX comes into play. And here's the good news. It's all about how you finish! The start and the middle really don't mean that much. Like you, I plan to finish strong. Thanks again for the kind note. Please give me a call the next time you are in Katy. Doug
Doug Hanson Sep 09, '13 at 2:53 AM
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Given by Doug Hanson

Location: Katy, TX
Date: September 02, 2013
Fred not only purchased one of my books, (which I am very thankful for), he also took the time to send me an uplifting and encouraging note. Talk about Playing Full Out! What a guy. The world could use more people like Fred. Thanks buddy.
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