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Band #11701

Given by Melly Rose

Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Date: January 25, 2020
I received this band at a team-building event with other account managers. Collectively the account managers were responsible for almost $800M in accounts. It was very intimidating but also exciting to learn how they were successful with their respective accounts. I want to pass this band on to my dear friend, Brittany. She's a mom, a navy veteran, and a full-time student. She's funny, kind, honest and wants nothing but the world for her son, her close friends and people in her life. She has so much potential and is such a radiant, beautiful human. She has so much in store for this world and I know she will "play full out" and achieve everything she aspires for.
You are awesome, Melly! Thanks for your example.
Doug Hanson Feb 16, '20 at 10:57 PM
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