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Band #4794

Received by Tony Westaway

Location: Brisbane QLD, Australia
Date: June 10, 2015
I just received this band and found out what its all about by watching the video. What a great idea. It proves that one person can make a difference it they want to. My favorite saying (which I think I made up) is that "If you dont start, you can't finish). There are too many dreamers in this world and not enough doers. I intend to to pass this band onto the next possitive doer that I meet and I also hope to spread some of Doug's possitive thinking onto our employees via his videos. Thanks Doug, I will start right now.
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Given by Doug Hanson

Location: Houston, TX
Date: May 27, 2015
I received an order for an audio set and a video series from Tony W. at Fallon Solutions in Queensland, Australia. It's my first sale 'Down Under' so I wanted to recognize Tony and Mark D., (his boss) for Playing Full Out! I feel so blessed. Hopefully they'll invite me to speak there in person one day. Wouldn't that be a treat! Until then, you guys (and gals) keep making a difference in the world. - Doug Hanson
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