Congratulations! You've been recognized for Playing Full Out. Search your band number and see where it’s been. You may be the first the contribute, or there might be a story waiting for you. Some bands have even traveled across the globe!
Share how you received your band! Encourage the person that gave your band, and share with others the story of how you received it. You'll receive your own pushpin on the world map, and the story will serve as a reminder of where your band has been.
Now it's time to give it away! You've been wearing your Play Full Out band with pride, but don't let the story end with you. Keep your eye out for a worthy individual, someone who is playing full out, whether they are a family member, friend, co-worker, or stranger ... and give it away.
Now share your story once again! Once you've given your band away, let them know to visit and enter their Band number. Share your story on that band's page about why you gave your band away to them, and it will be waiting on them when they visit.